Jeffrey Gorman is a postdoctoral scholar in the Bathe BioNanoLab at MIT. After developing the synthetic methodology to conjugate molecular semiconductors onto DNA during his PhD, he has now pivoted to exploit these materials on DNA origami. Here, the semiconductor-DNA chimeras he synthesizes are programmed to assemble on a large DNA scaffold that templates the assembly of semiconductors from the sub-nm to hundreds-of-nm length-scales. By leveraging the exceptional self-assembly of DNA, Jeffrey aims to optimize and explore the development of intermolecular organic semiconductor coupling for photovoltaics, photochemistry, and quantum information science.
Jeffrey Gorman completed his PhD in the Optoelectronics Group at The University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Sir Richard Friend, where he worked on the synthesis and ultrafast spectroscopy of singlet fission and charge-transfer oligomers. He completed his undergraduate and MSci. in Chemistry at Imperial College London, under the Lawrence Burrow Trust fellowship, and was awarded the Dean’s list for top 10% of students in his final year. His Masters thesis and year in industry (Merck KGaA) focused on device fabrication and polymer chemistry for organic solar cells.
Download my resumé.
Postdoc in Biological Engineering (Bathe BioNanoLab), present
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PhD in Physics, 2020
University of Cambridge (Cavendish Laboratory, Optoelectronics Group)
MSci. Chemistry with a Year in Industry, 2016
Imperial College London (Merck KGaA)
Responsibilities include:
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